
LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging)

LiDAR points can be classified into a number of categories including, but not limited to, bare earth or ground, buildings, vehicles, and low, medium, or high vegetation. The digital terrain or elevation model (DTM & DEM) created from LiDAR data is extremely accurate and is a quick solution to get a surface for a very large area.

This includes heavily wooded and vegetated terrain. Our LiDAR processing experts provide extensive services to our global clients across the spectrum from the field.

OBS has a large team of experts and technicians having vast field experiences with global clients and capable of undertaking Lidar data processing projects for Classification –
  • Electric Power lines(All Voltage) & Structure Classification.
  • Bare earth/ground.
  • Building, Roads, Hydro, Vegetation Classification.
  • Rail Tracks, Rail Power-line wires, Structures, other objects Classification.
  • Generation of DSM, DTM, TIN & contour Vectors with a large and experienced team, OBS can undertake any size of Lidar data processing projects with quality and time line assurance..
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